Concert Reflections

GOT7 in Chicago – Photos and Review


GOT7 finished up their concert in Chicago on May 8th, bringing delight to all their fans in attendance. It was a fantastic show filled with great singing and dancing, along with priceless fan service. The boys really brought their “A” game and really impressed with their talent and professionalism. GOT7 sure knows how to put on a good show!

I was lucky enough to have been one of the official photographers for the production company Jazzy Group USA. The following photos were taken on behalf of Jazzy Group. I hope you enjoy looking through this gallery! Be sure to click on the photos for the full view! Additional photos are also available on my Facebook Page!

Top 10 Highlights Include:

1. Performances of fan favorite songs like “Girls, Girls, Girls”, “A”, and “Stop Stop It”


2. Mark’s Acrobatics


Mark Tuan sure knows how to flip! His slow motion cartwheel tumbling pass in “Girls, Girls, Girls” got me right in the heart!

 3. Fan Question Time


The boys sat down to answer questions that fans wrote down on post-it notes. Each member got to pick one question, leading to some very fun and amusing interactions. From dance battles to epic solos, these boys were super down-to-earth and entertaining. It was a joy to watch them all having fun together on stage. It was also very amusing to see the members who spoke English constantly whispering the translation to their fellow members!

3. Teamwork for JB’s Solo

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During JB’s solo, the other members made sure that everyone could hear his beautiful voice. Too funny!

5. Jackson’s Sexy Dance

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As per fan request, Jackson busted out his awesome sexy dance along with some improvised beatboxing.


He got so into it that Jr. had to cover him up with a towel to get him to stop!

6. Bambam’s “Touch My Body” Rendition


When asked what Bambam’s favorite Girl Group dance is, he instantly ran up to perform Sistar’s “Touch My Body”.


It was absolutely hilarious! This kid has got some serious skills. So flexible!

7. Fan Games


GOT7 prepared plenty of activities for some the lucky fans who were invited to come onstage. The musical chairs segment got pretty competitive! Poor Youngjae even got knocked to the ground at one point. Luckily the boys just laughed it off – everyone looked like they were having a great time!


JB was the last member left in the game!


Congratulations to the winners!

The next game was the “Identify” game where the members would make crazy noises and the blindfolded fans had to guess which member it was.


It was ridiculously hard! On the plus side, we learned that JB can do a fantastic impression of Smeagol from Lord of the Rings!


Only Bambam’s fan was able to guess correctly! In response, Bambam exclaimed, “Am I too easy? I should be more hard” Oh wait…


8. Bambam’s Birthday Surprise


The Chicago fans really went out of their way to prepare a special treat for Bambam to celebrate his recent birthday! A fan brought out a beautiful cake while the audience sang Happy Birthday and held up handmade colored hearts. It was a great touch!

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Everyone was excited to celebrate with Bambam and Got7!

9. Overwhelming Cuteness

I could go on forever about how cute and adorable these boys are, but I’d rather just show you! Be sure to click on the photos for the slideshow.


10. Did I Mention These Boys Know How to Perform?!


It really was a fantastic night! I’m so glad GOT7 was able to come to Chicago on their first U.S. tour. You could tell that all the members were super excited to be able to meet their American fans. Their heartfelt enthusiasm really shined through along with their talent throughout the whole performance! I hope they will come back again in the future! I’m excited to see what’s next for GOT7!

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Did you enjoy the show? What was your favorite part? Please share your thoughts below!

For even more GOT7 in Chicago pictures, please visit my Facebook page!

Thanks for reading!


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